Change Your Words Will Change Your World Vibration Veera

Dear Friends – A bright, pleasant quality that makes you to feel positive and happy….
The definition of Cheerful is a person or thing that brings joy, humor or good spirits. A bright room that makes people feel happy when they enter it is an example of Cheerful.

Is Cheerful is a mood:

It is a mood shows our snappiness with a description of laughter, delicious smells and bright colors….A Cheerful mood fills us with full of joy and happiness.

Cheerfulness is a quality that everyone like to have….The one who possesses it becomes like a magnet of goodwill.

Cheerfulness comes from a sense of well – being and contentment. It is an elevated quality, but it doesn’t always stay with us…Many circumstances and events we may lose this cheerfulness/steal our happiness and joy. We may commit mistakes and become agitated and worried.The thoughts of envy and jealousy, anger and hatted enter into our mind and it spoil our cheerfulness

Need to do:

To experience the Cheerfulness and Inner contentment, all we need to do is to focus the good qualities of others, by leaving the bad quality of anyone.When we see the bad quality of others it will disturb our mind, we may retain all those rubbish and it may poison our intellect.

The thoughts are the source for all of our actions. When we focus on good qualities then out thought will be pure and our action will be elevated, as result that it brings joy, happiness , contentment and we can experience the good will with a face of cheerfulness.